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@Spotlight created a Debate
2 months ago
Andrew Marr has an epiphany!
Listen to this scuzzbucket. Andrew Marr really can't help himself can he? Here he is lamenting over how Israel hasn't been doing itself any favours of late, while at the same time laying bear his own bias and prejudice.
According to Marr it's no big deal that Israel has been targeting Hezbollah leaders. Perhaps attacking leaders is a way to avoid wars, he tells us. I bet it would be a massive big deal if someone targeted the Israeli leadership, or the leaders of any western nations, wouldn't it? We don't even have to imagine this scenario.. just look at how the US responded to 9/11, which, by the way, included a strike on the Pentagon and forced President Bush to remain in the air (on Airforce 1), for almost the entire duration, and maybe someone should remind him that it was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria that kicked off the first world war.
After pointing out that Israel has slaughtered so many civilians in Gaza and Lebanon, he deduces that Israel has created "a circle of hatred all around itself...tomorrows suicide bombers, tomorrows enemies." It's clear that he simply can't bring himself to recognise them as resistance fighters but, more importantly, he refuses to even recognise the context of Israel's brutal, decades long, occupation, and war mongering, in the region and, as far as the tactics that brutalised, occupied, people might use in order to exact a price for their grief?.. even tormented people don't generally turn to suicide bombing unless they're really desperate and feel they have no other option.
At points, Marr is positively gushing about Israel... "for much of the world, the notion of Israel as a peaceable, democratic, cultured haven.. the Israel so many of us admired, for so long, is being pounded away in smoke and gunfire," but then he tells us that the world now sees Israel "as a ruthless, no compromise, military state, uninterested in the numbers of mere outsiders... who die whenever it's threatened." I guess even the likes of Marr are now waking up to what the vast majority of the informed world has known for years, that Israel IS a brutal, murderous, apartheid occupation, and has been for a very long time.