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Jewish Chronicle forced to
apologise for accusing Rabbi of Holocaust exaggeration
The Independent Press Standards Office (IPSO) has ruled that the Jewish Chronicle's conduct was unacceptable when it accused Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss of exaggerating the Holocaust. Rabbi Weiss, whose grandparents were murdered at Auschwitz, is an international spokesman of Neturei Karta, orthodox Jews who oppose Zionism and the State of Israel. He is in the UK on the "Muslim and Jew Tour — Beyond Israel".
Chronicle attacked the plans for tour as long ago as last
September. It told readers that Rabbi Weiss had said that "the number who
died in the Holocaust had been exaggerated," a claim which was known to be
untrue even as the newspaper went to print.
"To claim that the Rabbi had said that the figures for how many people had died in the Holocaust was exaggerated had the clear potential to damage his reputation," ruled IPSO today. "The [Complaints] Committee was also mindful of the sensitivities of such a claim given that he had lost family members in the Holocaust."
The IPSO Complaints Committee pointed out that the Jewish Chronicle was aware, prior to its publication of the slur, that a "...retraction of the claim had previously been published, and that its initial attribution to Rabbi Weiss was 'erroneous'. In addition, the reporter had been made aware, after the publication of the inaccurate online article and prior to the publication of the print article, that the Rabbi disputed the accuracy of the online version of the article, and the inaccuracy had still gone to print after the reporter had been made aware of the Rabbi's position."
In such circumstances, IPSO continued, the publication had not taken care over the accuracy of this claim in either version of the article, and there was therefore a breach of Clause 1 (i) [Accuracy]. "This had led to the publication of a significant inaccuracy, where the article inaccurately attributed a statement to Rabbi Weiss concerning the number of people who had died in the Holocaust."
citizen Rabbi Weiss lives in New York but is presently visiting 15 cities in
the UK on the speaking tour, alongside Palestinian author and broadcaster Dr
Azzam Tamimi. The slur against him was published in September last year as part
of the newspaper's attack on the tour. The complaint against the Jewish
Chronicle has been pursued on his behalf by tour organiser Pete
Gregson, chair of One Democratic Palestine.
judgement is a huge relief, as the Jewish Chronicle has been trying,
with Friends of Israel and UK Lawyers for Israel, to get our venues to cancel
the tour bookings," explained Gregson. "Some venues have bowed under
such pressure, meaning that last minute alternatives had to be found."
It's clear, he added, that the campaign against Rabbi Weiss was intended to
taint the tour with Holocaust denial. "The Holocaust was a vile crime
against humanity and no-one associated with the tour disputes the numbers
murdered by the Nazis. It seems that Israel and its supporters are weaponising
the Holocaust, a claim that has also been made about anti-Semitism, in order to
shut down open discussion of the Zionist state of Israel and its occupation of
Palestine. It is very important that IPSO is forcing the Jewish
Chronicle to set the record straight, making clear that Rabbi
Weiss, the grandson of Holocaust victims, is no Holocaust
denier." Without such open discussion, added
Gregson, there will never be peace.
Weiss said "With the help of Almighty God, I am pleased that IPSO has
called out this Zionist falsehood of truth. With God's help we will continue
standing against the State of Israel and its actions."
apology appears in the Jewish Chronicle today at https://www.thejc.com/news/news/ipso-upholds-complaint-over-reporting-of-rabbi's-remarks-6ESWEDNgdGwXf5FlOrVnyO
info from Pete Gregson, Chair of One Democratic Palestine, on 0758 472 2191
to Rabbi Weiss, spokesman of the Neturei Karta- Jews Against Zionism at 07778
IPSO ruling released today is at www.ipso.co.uk/rulings-and-resolution-statements/ruling/?id=11788-22
see the original slander, go to: www.onepalestine.land/ipso-uphold-complaint-against-jewish-chronicle-for-holocaust-denial-slur-on-rabbi-yisrael-dovid-weiss
about the Muslim & Jew tour at: www.onepalestine.land/rabbi-on-the-road-beyond-israel